Resets 4/26/16


Belly Breathing x 2 Minutes


Head Nods (On Forearms and Knees) x 10 (Up and Down)

Head Nods (On Forearms and Knees) x 5 Each Side (Side to Side)


Rocks On Knees and Forearms x 10-20

Rocks w/ Foot Up By Hand x 5 each side


Windshield Wipers x 5 Each Side


Egg Rolls Forward/Backward x 10

Egg Rolls Side to Side x 5 each direction


Half Rolls On Belly x 5 each arm/leg


Dead Bugs (Opposite Arm and Leg/ Same Direction) x 5 each side

Dead Bugs (Opposite Arm and Leg/ Opposite Direction) x 5 each side


Bird Dogs (Opposite Arm and Leg/ Opposite Direction) x 5 each side

Bird Dogs (Opposite Arm and Leg/Same Direction) x 5 each side


Cross Crawls w/Rotation x 10 Each Side


Marching 30 Seconds

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