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Standish Lietz – Putting the Wonder in Wonder Woman

Meet one of our favorite pregnant, mommy of a set of twin boys making their appearance in early 2017, Standish!

Standish has been training with us at OS Institute for almost a year.  She has done group classes, challenges, and consistent personal training with Dani.  When she’s not at OSi, she makes sure to also get in her movement time at home.

Standish works hard and her commitment is especially showcased through her long drive to get to the gym as she and her husband recently moved 45 minutes away!!  She is a fun and spunky, and has quickly come to discover the physical and mental benefits of pressing reset and working out.

Read about how participating in OSI has impacted her pregnancy and what she has to say about her journey!  Great job Standish!!! Keep it up, we are all rooting for you!

Tell us an interesting fact about you!

An interesting thing about me? I absolutely LOVE boiled peanuts. Boiled peanuts and a coke are my ultimate snack. 

How did you hear about/what made you decide to try OSi?

My husband and I had just moved to Fuquay and I really wanted to find a place that would help us foster a healthy lifestyle, had a small group feel, and the possibility of personal training when we wanted it. I’ve always been super intimidated going to big chain gyms and OSI sounded like it was exactly what I had been looking for. I believe I found you guys through a random google search and I ended up connecting with Dani to see what this whole movement/resetting thing was all about and was able to observe a class. Was it odd? Yes lol. But only because it wasn’t your typical lift weights/run the treadmill gym routine which is kind of what I was expecting. I was intrigued to say the least and my husband and I ended up doing some small group sessions together. Not only did we realize how much those small movements actually made a difference, we realized it’s actually a hardcore workout!


You started coming to OSI before your pregnancy and have kept going throughout, how has resetting/working out impacted the pregnancy process for you?

My ultimate goal was to maintain my fitness to prepare for pregnancy and continue to support the extra demands on my body during pregnancy. I wanted to give my body the best chance to handle this whole process like a pro.

Dani has helped me tailor my training sessions to focus on what would be most important for me during my different stages of growth. We always start each session with resets and we keep a focus on maintaining my general mobility, making sure I can still get up and down off the floor in different ways, lifting and carrying weights (farm work!), just normal everyday movements that I’ll be using quite often when the twins come. She also helps me modify exercises to make sure I’m not over exerting myself and making sure we avoid injuries because of improper form. 


What is something you do when you are feeling very pregnant/uncomfortable?

Resets. I really like rocking/doing head nods for a couple minutes when I’m feeling uncomfortable. It’s such a soothing thing for me. I also like to lay back in my new recliner (woohoo!) and put an ice pack on my back if it’s bothering me. 


What did you initially think about our form of movement and what reset felt the strangest?

It was odd, I’m not gonna lie haha. It seemed unnatural, which is funny because it’s really the most natural thing our bodies can do. It’s amazing how a lot of our natural movements are forgotten as we get older. For me, I would definitely say the rolling and rocking were the strangest and hardest for me to do without feeling SUPER awkward. But once I got over that insane insecurity it was freeing and felt awesome! I look forward to rolling again after the twins are born! 


Have you noticed anything in everyday life that is easier to do or you are able to do better?

This is a tough one to answer because a lot of things I could do before I can’t now due to pregnancy restrictions. But, even so, I feel strong and capable of doing all kinds of things. I have to keep reminding myself to take it easy because of that! My training sessions are a real confidence and energy booster, even though I’m totally drained at the end of the day 🙂 Also, they seem to help keep my swollen feet at bay HAHA! 


What is your favorite thing to do at OSi and Why?

Hmmm, that’s a tough one. I like variety so I guess I’d have a few different things I really enjoy doing. In my early stages of pregnancy, before the belly, I enjoyed crawling/axis crawling and a lot more challenging movements of whose names I can’t remember lol. I felt they really boosted my strength and gave me a challenge. Now, I’d have to say ropes and squats. But I always love learning a new movement and seeing if I can master it! 


What is something you would say to your first week of OSi self to encourage/help them?

I know some of it looks a little weird, but give it a shot. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll enjoy it and you’ll wonder how you missed out on this for so long. It will become one of the highlights of your day and you’ll feel like you can conquer the world after each session 🙂


If you are interested in joining us at OSI we have a couple options including; one on one training, group training, and a $29 2 week trial. For more information about OSI or to register for classes, check out

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